
Santiago Precious Metals adheres to the highest standards of corporate responsibility, considering the social and environmental impact of our activities. We also strive for best practice in corporate governance and safety, which we believe are essential to achieving long-term sustained shareholder value.

Santiago Precious Metals believes that our exploration activities work most efficiently and effectively when combined with a strong commitment to safety on-site, community development and environmental sustainability. We understand that it is important to respect all of the stakeholders in our business and to work closely with them to develop a business which works in the best interests of all. This encompasses all stakeholders in our business, from our employees to our operational partners, from our contractors to our clients, from the local community to the environment they call home, and most importantly our shareholders.

Santiago Precious Metals makes a significant investment in educating and training within the local communities in which we work. We believe that our commitment to developing skills and knowledge within the local community not only increases the talent pool from which we draw many of our employees, but also benefits the local community more broadly. Specifically we sponsor 12 students annually to study in fields such as geology, geophysics, geographical information systems, environmental protection and business management.

In addition our focus on local community development extends beyond sponsorship to empowering the community through education, trade and infrastructure. Santiago Precious Metals believes that where possible, we should buy local products and services, invest in local infrastructure and hire local people in order to help develop our business for the long-term.

Santiago Precious Metals also understands that whilst our activities effect the environment, any negative impact should be minimised and where possible we should aim to leave the environment in a better state than when we found it. We believe that a balance can be achieved between successful exploration activity and stewardship of the environment, and that creating shareholder value does not need to result in long-term damage to the environment. Santiago Precious Metals works with all of our stakeholders with the highest levels of integrity and reliability to ensure that the environmental and social impact of our activity is minimised and nurturing an enduring positive legacy in the localities where we work.